Saturday, April 21, 2018

Which Investor category you belong to..


According to a Chinese proverb there are 4 categories of people :

1)He who *knows*, and *knows* he knows, he is *a wise man*

2)He who *knows*, and *knows not* he knows, he is *asleep*

3)He who *knows not*, and *knows* he doesn't know, he is *a child*

4)He who *knows not*, and *knows not* that he doesn't know, he is *a fool*

The problem is percentage of people doubles as you move up the hierarchy and  more than 80% fall in final 2 categories.

In financial world, most of the time initial investment success makes investor's overconfident and tends to believe that they belong to category 1😊😊. But by the time they realize that actually they belonged to category 4, it's too late.😪😪

Frankly most of so called _*"Experts"*_ also don't fall in category 1 as it requires regular upscaling of knowledge and skills to maintain that spot.

Investors in category 2 or 3 are at lesser risk, as good professional advisor can help and ensure that their financial goals are met.

Irony is majority of investors fall in category 4 and they are ignorant about it. I pray to God to watchover and protect them.

Have a wonderful weekend...

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