Huge success of above movies confirmed that Indian society is ready to appraise the libertarian attitude and the Indian youth is daring enough to raise the issues of collectivistic problems and is ready to denounce them, to fight against them.
I know this is not a movie review blog, but together with certain other facts shown in the movie "OH MY GOD" a very relevant point related to your financial planning is also been highlighted and that is insuring your HOUSE as well as your BUSINESS.
The biggest asset an individual builds during his life is his own house and business. A small accident can wipe out your earnings of life. How many of us have overlooked at insuring these investments? The requirement of home insurance is overlooked and understated in India.
While owning a house today, what youngsters forget is the protection of their property. The financial institutions providing housing loans ensure that the individual gets himself a home loan protection policy but no one ever bothers to insure the house that is being bought. There are many convenient options available in the market that helps one not only insure the property but also the belongings.
Let's know home insurance
Home insurance plans allow you to protect your house and household items against fire and other perils, such as theft, burglary, accidental breakdowns and so on. If you intend to buy house holders' insurance, you should buy a policy that provides cover for your house as well as contents in it.
Points to remember before buying home insurance
Make sure that you read and understand the policy coverage, exceptions, exclusions in the plan. So that you don't end up like Kanjibhai in the movie. Your cover therefore, should include your house, belongings, liability to others if some mishap occurs and your living exps., if you are forced to stay in rented house. Basically, if a disaster occurs, your policy should help you to rebuild your home and replace its contents.
Take an inventory of your possessions. If you have to file a claim, two things need to be done - prove you own certain items and verify their value. Some insurance companies advise clients to go through their homes with a video camera, walk through each room, and ensure that you have everything you own, recorded.
Always make sure that you update your policy value to cover various assets that you might add to your house as well as taking care of rate of inflation.
Any resident Indian who is owner and/or occupant of the property can purchase a home insurance policy.
The covers provided are :
Fire and Allied Perils - Building and Contents , Burglary (optional), Unlike shown in movie you can also take a cover for earthquake by paying additional nominal premium.
Key features
An individual with an independent house or a flat can opt for this benefit and applicable to any residential building.It covers building against risks like Fire,Lightning,Storm, Riots, Strike and Malicious damage.
In city like vadodara an house with construction area of 2500 sq.ft considering construction cost be Rs1000/sq.ft , Total cost Rs.2500000.00 you need to pay an annual premium in the range of 1300 to 1400.
Remember to cover your house for construction cost and not for the value at which you bought, as it also includes cost of land.
So, put your house insurance to be on top priority.
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