Monday, April 29, 2013

Wealth-Forum e-zine

Clients will listen to us, provided we communicate differently
Raj Talati, ABM Investment, Baroda
Raj Talati runs a successful financial planning and advisory practice in Baroda, serving over 700 clients, many of whom are fee paying clients, and has accumulated a MF AuM of around Rs.28 crores. But what really sets him apart is the manner in which he explains financial concepts to his clients, in a way they can instantly relate to. How can the ongoing IPL help you explain the benefits of asset allocation to your clients? How can an annual vacation help you explain what financial planning is to your clients? How do you bring out the true power of compounding in a manner that clients get bowled over? How can a blockbuster movie help you explain the need for general insurance to your clients? Read on as Raj shares with us some of the novel ways in which he explains to his clients many terms that we frequently use as advisors and planners. We are grateful to Raj for readily agreeing to share his insights and ideas with Wealth Forum, for the benefit of the wider IFA fraternity across the country.

To Continue reading click link :Wealth-Forum e-zine

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